XX: The Final Countdown

If you are reading this entry, it is probably because I am dead, and you have found the work I attempted to complete before the end. Whoever you are, whoever you work for, you have to know that what you have read and seen in these logs is bigger than all of that. It’s bigger than you, bigger than me, and bigger than your superiors. In all likelihood you are from Matsu-Sung, convinced that you have come here seeking god-knows-what.

I don’t know what you have been told, but it doesn’t matter. What is contained within this data is evidence of a long-standing plot by elements I still cannot identify, save by the name ‘Coldblood’. The data has been processed, and I know the truth now. At least I know a part of it. What I know is this: between 6,000 and 7,000 years ago, somebody spied our planet, and wanted it for their own. For millennia, they waited until they were ready to act, and then they struck us, thinking perhaps to freeze us out of our home. But we lived on, and so they sent their viruses to change us, to make us malleable to their cause. But still, we have survived, and now they are about to loose their endgame upon us.

The shift was not an accident, nor a random fluke of nature. The aberrant-strain was not random. All of this has been carefully planned and executed, and it’s not over. They hold all of the pieces, and if you do not do something with what little time we have left, it will be check-mate.

Today’s date is… well I don’t know what today’s date is, but it was July 22, 150 A.S. when I started, and I imagine a few days have passed since then. I’m hungry and thirsty, and I don’t imagine I will last much longer, so please read this carefully; I won’t have time to repeat myself.

There is a new countdown – the final countdown – whose end is surrounded by death, destruction and sorrow. I don’t know what is going to happen, and I don’t know when the countdown will end, but I can tell you that the countdown has already begun. Within this data, this code, there is more to discover – the answers you will need are all here. I am certain of this. You have only to find the missing pieces. I have filled in as much as I can.

The rest is up to you, whoever you are.

Tell Naomy that I love her.

--- Noal Silver of the Codex, signing off.

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